Mid-Winter Thaw

Posted in Hazards, Home Improvement (Outside), Lawn and Garden, Mother Nature, Pests and Insects, Safety, Seasonal Maintenance, Uncategorized, Winter Season
Tagged Animal Damage, ashes, Clogged Gutters, Damage Inspection, debris, debris removal, deer, deer damage, dryer vent, fire hazard, fire wood, firewood, fish kill, freezing, frost, frost heaving, frost line, garden damage, garden inspection, ground heaving, Gutters, Home Inspection, ice removal, Icy Gutters, koi pond, lint, lint trap, lint vent, lint vents, pests, Plant Damage, Plow damage, pond, ponds, Repair, Roof, roof damage, Snow, Snow Banks, Snow damage, snow removal, spring cleanup, Spring prep, Thawing, voles, winter